Although many of our weekly summer programs may end on August 15, you can still sign up and participate in the library’s summer reading program through August 31. Please visit our website to register yourself or your child for summer reading, and stop by the Ask Us desk to pick up a passport.
Have you ever heard of a tonie or a toniebox? Summit Free Public Library now has a collection of two toniebox starter sets, and three tonie character kits; tonies connect magnetically to a toniebox speaker and play familiar songs and stories for children. The toniebox starter sets comes with a toniebox, a charging dock, and a sample tonie that contains over 30 preschool singalong songs. Each tonie kit contains 10 tonies on a specific theme containing songs and stories. Currently our themed tonie kits include Disney Princesses (Frozen, Tangled, Cinderella, etc.); Disney Stories (The Jungle Book, Toy Story, Finding Nemo, etc.) and Favorite Stories (Llama Llama, Pete the Cat, Corduroy, etc.). If you already have a toniebox at home, you can reserve one of our kits to check out. However, if you have never tried a toniebox yet, you may reserve and check out both a toniebox and one of the kits and check them both out at the same time. If you have already checked out all of our kits and are looking for more, don’t worry; we will purchase more tonie kits with funds from the Friends of the Summit Free Public Library before the end of the year.
— Ann-Marie Aymer, Head of Youth Services