
Museum Passes

The Summit Free Public Library is pleased to offer a museum pass lending program to our patrons. The Museum Pass program is proudly sponsored by the Friends of the Library.

Book Club Kits

If you belong to a book club, you know that it’s sometimes a challenge to find enough copies of a book for all of the members. We have a solution! The Library owns multiple copies of a variety of titles – fiction and nonfiction – suitable for book club discussions.

Wireless Printing

The library offers wireless printing via ePRINTit, which makes our printers accessible without having to connect to our network or install printer drivers. Submit documents or photos for printing from any smartphone, tablet or laptop. Come to the library within 24 hours to release and pick up your document with your email address.

  • $.10 per page for black and white
  • $.30 per page for letter-sized color

Copy, Fax, Scan & Flash Drives

The Library strives to keep up with all of your business and personal documentation needs. We have two photocopiers one color, one black and white, and offer faxing and scanning. 

Interlibrary Loan

Only Summit residents, property owners, and patrons with paid cards may request ILLs.  The lending period for each item borrowed through ILL is decided by the lending library.

Meeting Rooms

The Library has four rooms that are available for a fee to non-profit civic, educational, charitable or cultural community groups, or for-profit organizations for community meetings and educational and informational programming. Please refer to the meeting room policy and complete an application (see link below) to request a room.

Accessible Services

The Summit Free Public Library offers the services of the New Jersey State Library Talking Book & Braille Center (TBBC) for patrons who have difficulty reading standard print or holding a book. Eligible individuals can choose from a wide variety of no-cost services.

Notary Services

Notary services are provided at no charge to Summit residents. There is a $1.00/signature charge for out-of-towners. Please call the Reference Desk at ext. 3 to schedule an appointment for notary public services. 

Quiet Study Rooms

The Library has three Quiet Study Rooms available. They can be reserved up to one month in advance and can hold a maximum of 4 people per room.