Click here for printable instructions for Libby.
The free Libby app is the easiest way to get started with digital books, audiobooks, and magazines from your public library. Libby is available for Android, iOS, Windows 10, some Chromebooks, and in your browser at
To access our full catalog of ebooks and eaudiobooks, go to eLibraryNJ.
Click here for printable Kindle device instructions.
If you need more help with Libby, please visit Libby Help. Happy reading!
If you have any questions, please visit the Libby help page here, or feel free to call, visit, or contact us via email. Have a question about using specific devices?
Hoopla digital allows access to Movies, TV, Music, eBooks, eAudiobooks, and Comics/Graphic Novels. On a mobile device, borrowed content may be temporarily downloaded and accessed offline or, in either the app or on a computer, all borrowed content may be enjoyed while connected to the internet by streaming.
Visit hoopla or download the Apple iOS, Android or Amazon app.
Please note:
Hoopla digital allows access to Movies, TV, Music, eBooks, eAudiobooks, and Comics/Graphic Novels. On a mobile device, borrowed content may be temporarily downloaded and accessed offline or, in either the app or on a computer, all borrowed content may be enjoyed while connected to the internet by streaming.
Visit hoopla or download the Apple iOS, Android or Amazon app.
Please note:
Kanopy is the best video streaming service for quality, thoughtful entertainment. Find movies, documentaries, foreign films, classic cinema, independent films and educational videos that inspire, enrich and entertain. We partner with public libraries to bring you an ad-free experience that can be enjoyed on your TV, mobile phones, tablets and online.
Please note:
Hoopla digital is a user-friendly, digital media service that allows access to nearly half a million titles, from six different formats: Movies, TV, Music Albums, eAudiobooks , eBooks, and Comics/Graphic Novels. On a mobile device, borrowed content may be temporarily downloaded and accessed offline or, in either the app or on a computer, all borrowed content may be enjoyed while connected to the internet by streaming.
How do I get it?
Who can borrow items from hoopla?
All Summit Library cardholders (residents, employed, students and paid cards) will have access to hoopla. Patrons with over $50 in fines will be unable to access hoopla. If you have any issue access hoopla please contact us via the Ask a Librarian page and a librarian will get back to you within 48 hours.
How many items can I check out at a time?
You can check out up to 5 items per calendar month.
How long can I keep the items I borrow from Hoopla?
Movie and TV content is available for 72 hours (3 days).
Music albums are available for 7 days.
eBooks, comics and audiobooks are available for 21 days.
Can I read, listen to or view what I borrow on more than one device?
Once you borrow a title on one device it is automatically available via all devices with the Hoopla app or on your computer through your browser.
What is the difference between downloading and streaming titles?
All titles are available for streaming (requires continuous internet connection) on a computer or laptop. Using the Hoopla app on an iOS or Android device allows you to download the title for listening and viewing offline. Streaming content to your mobile device when not connected to a Wi-Fi network will impact your mobile device’s data allowance.
Learning ExpressWe no longer have access to Learning Express Library. Instead, we now offer Peterson’s Career and Test Prep, which can assist you in searching for thousands of college and graduate schools, finding scholarships, taking practice tests, creating resumes, and exploring various career options.
Access LinkedIn Learning here.
LinkedIn Learning is a web-based video subscription service that provides courses for learning the latest commercial software, creative and business skills. You do not need a LinkedIn account to access LinkedIn Learning. All you need is your Summit Library card and PIN.
What’s available?
Northstar Digital Literacy
Northstar Digital Literacy is a free resource to help you build and certify your computer skills at your own pace. There is no library card required to access and use this service. Northstar provides curricula, individual online learning and online assessments in three main areas:
Creativebug inspires you to create and then teaches you how! Enjoy unlimited access to over 1,000 online art and craft classes, plus patterns, templates, and recipes. Topics include art & design, sewing, quilting, paper, knitting, crochet, food & home, jewelry, holiday & party, and classes for kids. Watch videos anytime, anywhere. Since classes never expire, you can start and stop projects at your own pace. The Creativebug platform includes chapter divisions, note-taking tools, 20-second rewind and more. You can save favorite classes and receive personalized recommendations. New classes from top artists are added daily.
Libby app – Now offering digital magazines!
Click here for printable instructions for Libby.
The free Libby app now offers hundreds of popular magazines to borrow such as The New Yorker, The Economist, US Weekly, Cook’s Illustrated, Bon Appetit, Vogue, Reader’s Digest, as well as world language titles such as l’Express and Paris Match. Libby is available for Android, iOS, Windows 10, some Chromebooks, and in your browser at
Please note: We no longer subscribe to Flipster, however we still provide access to our archive of magazine issues. Current digital magazines are available through the Libby app.
Mango Languages
Mango Languages is a self paced World Language and English learning software , with proven methodologies that work for language learners.
Hoopla digital allows access to Movies, TV, Music, eBooks, eAudiobooks, and Comics/Graphic Novels. On a mobile device, borrowed content may be temporarily downloaded and accessed offline or, in either the app or on a computer, all borrowed content may be enjoyed while connected to the internet by streaming.
Visit hoopla or download the Apple iOS, Android or Amazon app.
Please note:
For the full list of books available to download in overdrive, please visit
To browse the collection for children directly from the elibrarynj website, please click the “Kids” link at the top of the page, or click
Create an account in Hoopla
Browse titles in Kids Mode:
If you select Hoopla Kids Mode, you may browse for eBooks, audiobooks, comics, television shows, movies and music that are safe for children.
Hoopla titles are always available, so you never need to place holds on them.
You can check out up to 5 hoopla items per calendar month.
Please note: The Hoopla catalog offers thousands of options to read, watch, and listen. Due to the sheer number of publishers and items added to Hoopla on a regular basis, the Summit Free Public Library cannot guarantee the reputation and qualifications of the authors, publishers, or producers of the material available.
Summit Free Public Library has purchased over 300 Capstone Interactive eBooks for children, which can be accessed directly from the library catalog.
You can read any of these books on a computer, phone, or tablet.
Books in this collection include popular early reader and first chapter book titles, non-fiction titles for emerging readers, and bilingual ebooks in English and Spanish for children.
To access from the Capstone Website:
To access from the Library Catalog:
The following options are available when you open the book:
You may select the following controls at the bottom of your Capstone Interactive eBook:
Creative Bug
Creativebug inspires you to create and then teaches you how! Enjoy unlimited access to over 1,000 online art and craft classes, plus patterns, templates, and recipes. Topics include art & design, sewing, quilting, paper, knitting, crochet, food & home, jewelry, holiday & party, and classes for kids. Watch videos anytime, anywhere. Since classes never expire, you can start and stop projects at your own pace. The Creativebug platform includes chapter divisions, note-taking tools, 20-second rewind and more. You can save favorite classes and receive personalized recommendations. New classes from top artists are added daily.
Capstone Interactive eBooks
Books in this collection include popular early reader and first chapter book titles, non-fiction titles for emerging readers, and bilingual ebooks in English and Spanish for children.
Heritage Quest
This genealogical database allows researchers to search U.S. Federal Census records, digitized family and local history books, Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty Land Warrant Application Files and the Freedman’s Bank Records (1865-1874), maps, and a wealth of other historical collections and research guides.
Hoopla Kids
Hoopla digital allows access to Movies, TV, Music, eBooks, eAudiobooks, and Comics/Graphic Novels. On a mobile device, borrowed content may be temporarily downloaded and accessed offline or, in either the app or on a computer, all borrowed content may be enjoyed while connected to the internet by streaming.
Please note: The Hoopla catalog offers thousands of options to read, watch, and listen. Due to the sheer number of publishers and items added to Hoopla on a regular basis, the Summit Free Public Library cannot guarantee the reputation and qualifications of the authors, publishers, or producers of the material available.
Kanopy is the best video streaming service for quality, thoughtful entertainment. Find movies, documentaries, foreign films, classic cinema, independent films and educational videos that inspire, enrich and entertain. We partner with public libraries to bring you an ad-free experience that can be enjoyed on your TV, mobile phones, tablets and online.
Learning Express
We no longer have access to Learning Express Library. Instead, we now offer Peterson’s Career and Test Prep, which can assist you in searching for thousands of college and graduate schools, finding scholarships, taking practice tests, creating resumes, and exploring various career options.
LinkedIn Learning
LinkedIn Learning is a web-based video subscription service that provides courses for learning the latest commercial software, creative and business skills. You do not need a LinkedIn account to access LinkedIn Learning. All you need is your Summit Library card and PIN.
Mango Languages
Mango Languages is a self paced World Language and English learning software , with proven methodologies that work for language learners.
Northstar Digital Literacy
Northstar Digital Literacy is a free resource to help you build and certify your computer skills at your own pace. There is no library card required to access and use this service. Northstar provides curricula, individual online learning and online assessments in three main areas: