The Summit Free Public Library is pleased to offer a museum pass lending program to our patrons. The Museum Pass program is proudly sponsored by the Friends of the Library.
Summit Free Public Library cardholders can receive $3 off a regular priced ticket (Adult $29.99/Child $24.99) or 10% off a membership to Liberty Science Center. Visitors must present their library card at the time of purchase for the discount to apply. This offer cannot be combined with any other discounts or offers. Discounts can only be verified on site at our Box Office on the day of your visit. However, Purchasing in advance is still highly encouraged, as discounts can be retroactively applied to pre-purchased tickets from the Liberty Science Center website as well.
Who may borrow museum passes?
Summit Library card holders over the age of 17 including paid members and those employed in Summit.
Are there other rules about borrowing the passes?
Yes, only one museum pass at a time can be checked out to a household.
How long may I keep a pass?
Three days. For example, passes checked out on September 1st will be due on September 4th.
Who may use the pass with me?
Please check the guidelines included in the museum pass packet as each museum has different rules.
How may I pick up and return a museum pass?
Passes are available at the Circulation Desk of the Summit Library. Please call or stop by the Library to reserve a pass. Please return the pass in person to a staff member at the Circulation Desk. Do not put museum passes in the book drop.
What will it cost me?
It’s free (unless it’s returned late or lost). In the event that the pass is lost, you will be charged the full amount of the cost to replace the pass. These differ for each museum.
What if I don’t return a pass on time?
Failure to return the pass will result in a fine of $10.00 per day with a maximum fine of $200.00. Failure to return the pass container will result in a replacement fee of $5.00.
Do all passes work the same way?
Each museum has different rules regarding how many people may enter on a pass and discounts for other services. Please review the rules contained in each museum pass box.
Who pays for the museum passes?
Museum passes have been made possible by a generous donation from the Friends of the Summit Free Public Library. For more information on the Friends of the Library, please click here.