Library Cards

Become a Member

1.  Residents
The Library issues full service library cards to individuals who reside in the City of Summit. Residents applying for a Library card must provide current proof of residence. Cards are valid for three years.

2. Non-Residents
a. Property Owner
The Library issues cards to individuals who own property in the City of Summit. Cards are valid for three years from the date of issuance, while patron owns property in City.
b. Non-Resident Student Cards
The Library issues courtesy cards to non-resident students attending Summit public schools and private schools in Summit. The Summit Library requires the student to provide proof of attendance to obtain a courtesy card. Cards issued to non-resident students are valid for one year. Cards are for use in the Summit Library only and may not be used to place inter-library loan requests. 
c. Works-in-City Cards
The Library issues cards to individuals who are employed in the City of Summit. Applicants must present proof of employment. Cards are valid for one year from the date of issuance, while employee works in City. Cards are for use in the Summit Library only. 
d. Reciprocal Borrowing Privileges
The Library extends privileges to residents with a library card from the libraries of the MURAL, Morris/Union Federation (MUF) and all Millburn resident cardholders. A valid form of identification showing the home address, in addition to the library card, is required. Reciprocal Borrowers may borrow materials (individual collection restrictions apply), and use the Library’s Internet terminals.
e. Non-resident Card/Paid
Entitles the purchaser to borrow all library materials, place interlibrary loans and to use the Library’s computers. Cards are for use in the Summit Library only. The annual fee for this card is $75.00. 

3. Juvenile Resident/Non-Resident Library Cards 
The Summit Free Public Library issues juvenile resident or non-resident library cards to persons from birth to 16 years of age. In-person authorization signed by a parent or guardian via a completed library card application is required. The parent or guardian accepts responsibility for the card and attests to the age of the applicant. Cardholders younger than 17 years of age may borrow only “family” designated DVDs and all video games except those rated M.

4. Homebound Resident Cards 
Individuals who find it difficult to come to the library because of a permanent medical or other condition may apply to the Supervisor of Circulation for a Homebound Card. Patrons will be required to explain why homebound status is needed. Proof of City of Summit residency is required. The patron must designate on the Library card application form a person to act on their behalf. Homebound cards are fine-exempt, but homebound cardholders are responsible for lost, unreturned or damaged items.

5. Replacement of Cards
Cardholders should report a lost or stolen card to the Circulation Department as soon as possible. The Library charges a $3.00 non-refundable replacement fee for lost library cards.

6. Use of Cards by Others 
All cards are issued to individuals, except juvenile cards as defined above. A resident card may be used to charge out library materials by other members of the cardholder’s household or a caregiver with the cardholder’s permission, unless that member’s own borrowing privileges have been revoked. Works-in-Town cards and non-resident cards are issued for individual use only and are not eligible for use by other family members.
No card is transferable, to or from, for use by non-family members under any circumstances. The Summit Library reserves the right to require another acceptable form of identification when a card is presented for use.

7. Acceptable Forms of Identification for Application or Renewal 
a. Residents – Residents must present identification showing name of applicant and current Summit address (taxpayer not U.S. Postal address). Possible forms of ID include:
* Driver’s license showing Summit resident address (Taxpayer)
* Lease, Mortgage or Rental Agreement showing resident address
* Summit Tax Bill
* Utility bill show registrants’ name and address (within 30 days)
* Bank or Credit card statement (within 30 days)
* Car registration
b. Non-residents:
Property Owner – Property owner must present identification showing name of applicant, City address owned and current home address.
* Summit Tax Bill
* Property Deed 
Non-resident Students Courtesy Card – Students must present a valid school identification card, report card, or letter from school for the current academic year and current home address.

8. Library Card Renewal
Cardholders will be asked to re-verify their status for continued library privileges by presenting an appropriate form of identification.