Chinese Club

Chinese Corner
Rubik's Corner
Library Books in Chinese
Szechuan Delight

 Virtual Chinese Corner: 2nd & 4th Sunday at 7:30 PM

Summit Free Public Library hosts a volunteer led Virtual Chinese Immersion program.  It is held on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of every month via zoom during the school year and will be on hiatus over the summer.  Our group of dedicated volunteers of all ages have created lots of fun and engaging topics for all ages, including games, contests, stories, talent shows, and more! 

Registration for each program opens the week prior to the current week’s program. Please register in advance in order to receive the zoom link. 

Rubik’s Cube Corner: 1st and 3rd Friday @ 3:30 PM

Speedcubing is a hobby where someone solves a Rubik’s cube as fast as they can. In this Cube Corner, we hope to bring the joy of cubing to more people and we also hope to expand the cubing community.

As cubing is a progressive hobby, when organizing this program, we will need to split people up into different groups based on their skill level.

  • Beginner – Are interested in learning how to solve the cube, need to be taught.

    • Can be taught by anyone who knows the beginner’s method

  • Intermediate – Know how to solve the cube using the beginners’ method but want to improve their time (CFOP)

    • Can be taught through a presentation along with videos

  • Advanced – Know how to solve the cube with at least F2L, maybe even OLL and PLL, want to further improve their time

    • As this is relatively advanced, this needs to be taught by someone who knows full CFOP

At the end of this program, our goal is for everyone to be able to solve the cube. We plan to hold an unofficial competition at the end as well where everyone can experience what a cubing competition feels like.

Co-sponsored by by Bright Youth, and Summit Free Public Library

Summit Public Library Receives Donation of More Than 600 Chinese-Language Books

Members of the Summit Free Public Library’s Chinese Club have donated Chinese-language children’s books to the Summit Free Public Library. The first ‘batch’ of books (264) were donated to the library in October 2020.  The second ‘batch’ of books (349) were donated to the library this month.

Fundraising for the endeavor began in 2019, with a total of $2,405 dollars raised by January 2020.

Susan Permahos, Director of the Summit Free Public Library, said, “We are grateful for this donation from the Summit Free Public Library Chinese Club. We know the books will be put to good use by members of our community.”

For a full list of our Books in Chinese for Children, please click here.

Szechuan Delight

Summit Free Public Library and the Summit Library Chinese Club have co-sponsored a lending library of Chinese Books in Chinese, that is currently available for browsing at Szechuan Delight Restaurant in New Providence (598 Central Ave. #4, New Providence, NJ 07974). 

  1. All community residents can borrow books from the circulation station (located inside Szechuan Delight) for free.
  2. Borrowers are allowed 5 books in their possession at one time. The suggested loan period is two weeks for non-textbooks and up to 2 months for textbooks.
  3. Borrowers shall complete the registration at the circulation station while checking out your books.
  4. Please take good care of the books, and return them on time. While returning, remember to find your checkout registration and sign the return date in the return column.
  5. If books are not returned after the due date, as a courtesy, volunteers from the Summit Library Chinese Club will call the borrower to remind them to return the books via the phone number registered. For damaged and lost items, the borrower will be charged the following
    • $5 for each textbook
    • $2 for each non-textbook.
  6. If you are interested in buying any used books, please contact the Chinese Club. All funds raised will be used to purchase more books for the collection.
  7. During the pandemic, we recommend that you borrow books at Szechuan Delight from 2-4 PM in order to avoid peak dining hours and maintain social distancing.