Registration required for all programs, unless otherwise noted.
Please click the links at the right, or the links below to register for any of the programs.
Storytimes are designed to be age appropriate.
Please attend the storytime that is best for your child
For more information about our storytime programs, please visit our Frequently Asked Questions.
Little Explorers (6 months-6 years): Tuesdays @ 10:00-11:00 AM and 4:00-5:00 PM (June 11- August 13). Age-appropriate stories, songs, and finger plays. While intended for preschoolers, all ages are welcome.
Book Bike Storytime (6 months-6 years): Wednesdays @ 12:00-12:45 PM (July 10-August 14). Bring your lunch for a picnic storytime at Mabie Park this summer. Make sure you leave home with your library card, so that you can check out books from the Library’s new book bike! While intended for preschoolers, all ages are welcome. No registration required.
For more information about library programs for elementary school students, sign up for
text @to the number 81010, or click this link to register: