For the full list of books available to download in overdrive, please visit
To browse the collection for children directly from the elibrarynj website, please click the “Kids” link at the top of the page, or click
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Browse titles in Kids Mode:
If you select Hoopla Kids Mode, you may browse for eBooks, audiobooks, comics, television shows, movies and music that are safe for children.
The Hoopla catalog offers thousands of options to read, watch, and listen. Due to the sheer number of publishers and items added to Hoopla on a regular basis, the Summit Free Public Library cannot guarantee the reputation and qualifications of the authors, publishers, or producers of the material available.
Hoopla titles are always available, so you never need to place holds on them.
You can check out up to eight hoopla items per calendar month.
Note: The Hoopla catalog offers thousands of options to read, watch, and listen. Due to the sheer number of publishers and items added to Hoopla on a regular basis, the Summit Free Public Library cannot guarantee the reputation and qualifications of the authors, publishers, or producers of the material available.
Summit Free Public Library has purchased over 300 Capstone Interactive eBooks for children, which can be accessed directly from the library catalog.
You can read any of these books on a computer, phone, or tablet.
Books in this collection include popular early reader and first chapter book titles, non-fiction titles for emerging readers, and bilingual ebooks in English and Spanish for children.
To access from the Capstone Website: Click here to see all of our Capstone Interactive ebooks!
To access from the Library Catalog:
The following options are available when you open the book:
You may select the following controls at the bottom of your Capstone Interactive eBook: