Join the Friends of the Summit Free Public Library!
Who are the Friends?
The Friends of the Summit Free Public Library is a non-profit organization made up of a growing number of community members and an active Board of Trustees dedicated to supporting the Summit Free Public Library and its programs.
What are the goals of the Friends?
What do the Friends do?
The Friends of the Summit Public Library work to foster interest in the library and to further its service to the community. The Friends provide direct financial assistance to the library by purchasing special or unusual items which do not come under the regular library budget. The Friends also provide various volunteer services, sponsor programs and promote events of special interest.
Why join the Friends?
As a member of the Friends of the Library, you’ll be paid back in a thousand ways every year — with the satisfaction that you are helping to expand the library collection and introducing programs such as lecture series, music programs and more. You’ll also have the opportunity to work with like-minded people and enjoy the pure satisfaction of knowing you are making a difference to one of our community’s most important institutions.
Click here for information about the Friends.
Click here to read the Friends of the Library by-laws.
Feel free to email us with questions, comments, or suggestions at
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