You can donate to the library by joining the Friends of the Summit Free Public Library, donating to the Summit Free Public Library Foundation, or by donating according to our Gifts Policy, outlined below.
The Summit Free Public Library may accept gifts of cash, tangible property, including books, manuscripts, audio-visual materials, works of art, musical scores, jewelry, antiques, and coin, stamp or other collections and intangible property.
When appropriate, the Summit Free Public Library is pleased to accept gifts in honor or in memory of a person or event with the explicit understanding that the Library, in its sole discretion, reserves the right to display, store, sell, or otherwise dispose of all gifts and contributions of tangible property.
The condition, suitability, conformity with selection criteria in the Collection Development Policy, cost of processing or maintaining the contribution, and the availability of space are all factors that may be taken into account prior to the Library’s acceptance of gifts.
Books donated must be in good condition and should fall within the following categories:
The Library Staff cannot legally appraise or assign valuations to any gift, but will provide the donor with a Donation and Acknowledgment Form acknowledging the contribution, if requested.
The Library is not able to accept:
• Books or other materials which are physically in poor condition (e.g., musty, stained, water damaged, broken bindings, torn pages or covers, marked by pens, pencils, crayons or highlighters, broken or missing parts, damaged cover, art etc.…)
• Textbooks
• Magazines (including National Geographic)
• Condensed books
• Encyclopedias
Approved by Board of Trustees September 2019