
We are excited to announce that the Summit Free Public Library now offers in-house access to Candid databases, providing valuable resources for those interested in philanthropy, fundraising, and nonprofit organizations. We offer Candid’s key tools including GuideStar and Foundation Directory. Whether you are a student, researcher, nonprofit professional, or simply curious about philanthropy, Candid databases...
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Throughout 2024, the Library has collected responses from the community for its five-year plan — through focus groups, surveys, and a retreat — to assess how our services and resources meet your needs and wishes. Our aim was to enhance the quality and user-friendliness of our resources and services while ensuring they remain up-to-date. As...
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Calling all bookworms and book club members! Learn about two resources that can make your reading journey easier: Browse Our Shelves and Book Club Kits. What’s the next best thing to physically browsing our shelves for books and movies? Doing it from home! Head to our website and click on “Browse Our Shelves” under the “Resources” tab. Choose a category...
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Sometimes I look at my towering pile of books on my bedside table and simply sigh. Often these days I just don’t have the attention span or concentration a long book demands. I could continue doom scrolling on my phone, but I know that the combination of disconcerting news and blue light from my devices will make...
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On July 9th, the Library hosted its first-ever Jigsaw Puzzle Tournament. The Brundage family won the competition by being the first to complete a 500-piece jigsaw puzzle. They received gift cards to McCool’s Ice Cream and a copy of the Library’s 150th anniversary jigsaw puzzle. The reference desk area features a large jigsaw puzzle table...
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Dear Library patrons and community members, This July, we are featuring four amazing K-12 authors in our virtual author talk series, Tuesdays this month at 2 pm. While these authors write books for a young audience, these talks are for the whole family. If you’re signed up for one of our summer reading programs, you can...
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2024 Summer Reading Program: June 8-August 31 Children & Teens Adults The theme of this year’s Summer Reading is Adventure Begins at Your Library, and there will be a series of programs for all ages, including intergenerational programming. Some of these events will be held outdoors at local sites like Mabie Playground, while others will...
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As the Library celebrates its 150th anniversary, we will be highlighting other organizations that also have long histories in Summit. The Fortnightly Club of Summit is a women’s group dedicated to volunteerism, fundraising, community service and outreach. Founded in 1893 by Mary B. Wilcox, it provided local women opportunities to share learning, culture, and especially community...
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As the Library celebrates its 150th anniversary, we will be highlighting other organizations that also have long histories in Summit. The Connection, founded in 1922 by women of Summit, has served the community for over a century. Originally a YWCA chapter, it became independent in 1998, allowing it to tailor its programs to Summit’s specific needs....
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As the Library celebrates its 150th anniversary, we will be highlighting other organizations that also have long histories in Summit. It seems fitting to begin with the Summit Area YMCA because it shares a common history with the Library. The Y was founded in 1886. The land for both institutions was sold to the City...
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