Throughout 2024, the Library has collected responses from the community for its five-year plan — through focus groups, surveys, and a retreat — to assess how our services and resources meet your needs and wishes. Our aim was to enhance the quality and user-friendliness of our resources and services while ensuring they remain up-to-date.
As always, our mission has always been to inform, enrich and inspire. Our renewed focus is to serve as a vibrant hub for knowledge, community engagement, and the free exchange of ideas. To achieve this, the Library will implement an annual work plan, subject to ongoing evaluation and refinement. This plan prioritizes providing you with the latest information-seeking and communication technologies, as well as a diverse range of programs that meet your educational, cultural, and entertainment needs.
We appreciate the input and responsiveness of our community members, who represent a broad range of constituents. We look forward to our continued partnership with you. Please click here to see the full plan.
— Rebecca Cohan, Reference Librarian