
We Inform, Enrich, and Inspire the Community

Vision Statement

The Summit Free Public Library will be a resource vital to the fabric of the community. The library will be the focal point for knowledge, entertainment, social gathering and the exchange of ideas.

Long Range Plan

The Summit Free Public Library’s mission statement states in a very few words what the library does for its community. “The Summit Free Public Library informs, enriches and inspires the community.” The library Board of Trustees is pleased to announce the adoption of its ambitious Strategic Plan for 2024. We hope you enjoy reading about the improvements underway at the Summit Free Public Library. 

Support the Library

Library Leadership Team

Amy Behr-Shields, MLS, SHRM-CP, has been the Director of the Summit Free Public Library since April 2022. With over a decade of public library experience in a variety of roles, Amy’s goal is to weave the library into the fabric of the community and make it a welcoming place for all – whether someone is coming in for the first time or coming back because they enjoy everything the library has to offer. Amy has her Bachelor’s Degree in Spanish, with minors in Political Science and Criminology, from Miami University in Ohio. She also has her Master’s in Library Science from Syracuse University and is a Certified Professional with the Society of Human Resource Management. Amy loves to read a wide variety of books that right now includes parenting e-audiobooks, non-fiction books that dive into human behavior, and WWII historical fiction. To contact Amy, email abs@summitlibrary.org.


Ann-Marie Aymer has been the Head of Youth Services at Summit Free Public Library since June 2013. With over 20 years of public library experience focused primarily on youth and families, she strives to always find the right resource for the right patron at the right time. Ann-Marie advocates for the needs of younger patrons and their parents and serves as a liaison between the library and several community organizations. Her ultimate goal is to ensure that the library remains a resource for learners of every age. Ann-Marie has her Bachelor’s Degree in Spanish with a minor in music from Albright College in Reading, Pennsylvania. She also has her Masters in Library and Information Studies from Rutgers University. Ann-Marie loves reading novels for children and teens, adult fiction, and the occasional graphic novel or non-fiction title. To contact Ann-Marie, email ama@summitlibrary.org.


Abby Brady, MLS, has been with the Summit Free Public Library since 2008, and has been the Head of Adult Services since 2013. She is passionate about public libraries and genuinely enjoys playing a role in their success in the community. Her main priority is to make sure that patrons enjoy their experience using the library, whether it’s during a visit or while accessing our website or online resources. Abby has her Bachelor’s Degree in English from the University of Connecticut and received her Master’s Degree in Library Science from Rutgers University. She loves cooking, exercising, and spending time with her family. To contact Abby, email her at abrady@summitlibrary.org.


Beata Barrasso has been with the Summit Free Public Library since June 2013. She has started her career in libraries as a volunteer and worked as a reference librarian, system administrator, school librarian and technical services librarian before settling in her current position as Head of Technical Services and System Administrator.  As Head of Technical Services, she oversees the acquisition, cataloging and processing of all physical materials (both print and audio-visual) for the library. As System Administrator, she manages library system configuration and integration with other vendor systems. Beata enjoys reading, travelling, watching British mysteries and playing (and, most often, losing) Phase 10, UNO or Boggle with her family. To contact Beata, email bbarrasso@summitlibrary.org.


Tahirah Clarke has been the Head of Circulation at the Summit Free Public Library since October of 2020, and with the Library since 2006. She started her library career as a library clerk, working in both the Circulation and Technical Services departments, and worked in the Youth Services department doing internal marketing and collection development for graphic novels. Tahirah enjoys looking through cookbooks, reading graphic novels and web comics, and listening to music. To contact Tahirah, email her at tclarke@summitlibrary.org


Andres Parra Hernandez has been with the Summit Free Public Library since 2008. As Head Custodian, he oversees the building and grounds. Andres has worked in a variety of roles in his 14 years with the Library, including as a part-time Circulation Assistant and night-time Custodian. In his free time, Andres enjoys working on cars. To contact Andres, email him at aparrahernandez@summitlibrary.org.

Board of Trustees

The Library Board of Trustees Meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each month with the exception of July and August when the Board does not meet. Meetings begin promptly at 7:00 pm and are either held via Zoom, in the Hickok Meeting Room, or the basement conference room, depending on availability. Please check our Events Calendar for meeting location. Meetings may be subject to change due to holidays. Meeting notices, as required by law, are sent to the Union County Local Source.

Board Trustees

Mr. James Fleischmann, President

Ms. Nina Sanders, Vice-President

Ms. Celia Colbert, Treasurer

Mr. Chintan Shah, Secretary

Ms. Christina Amundson, Past President / At-Large

Ms. Rachel Kramer, Mayor’s Representative

Ms. Courtney Kaczynski, School Representative

Mr. Bob Pawlowski, Council Liaison

2024 Board Meetings

January 10

February 14

March 13

April 10

May 8

June 12

July 10

August 14

September 11

October 9

November 13

December 11