After giving thanks for all we have on Thanksgiving, we enter the holiday season of giving. During this season we have three ways that you can help the Summit Library and some of our neediest Summit residents. The Friends of the Summit Free Public Library are participating in #GivingTuesday, a global day of giving that...Read More
PLEASE READ BELOW AND ANSWER OUR BRIEF SURVEY. THANK YOU! Important notice to Summit Library patrons who use our eLibraryNJ eBook service: Beginning November 1st Macmillan Publishers and their many subsidiaries including Farrar, Straus & Giroux, Henry Holt, St. Martin’s Press and others, will allow libraries to purchase only one copy of each new eBook...Read More
You already know that you can borrow books, CDs, DVDs, Playaways, books-on-CD and more at the Summit Library. Most people even know that you can check out eBooks, eAudiobooks, eMagazines and access online databases like Ancestry® and Rosetta Stone® using your library card. Starting October 1st we will be launching a brand new service called the “Library of...Read More
You already knew that your library card is the smartest card in your wallet but now your Summit library card just got more valuable. Besides giving you access to everything the Library has to offer, your card can help you save money during the month of September! September is Library Card Sign-Up month in many...Read More